A new PhD student, Liu Yang, has started his doctoral study. Welcome to the team,...
A new postdoctoral researcher, Nicolas G. Maino has started as KIRI Postdoc fellow! Welcome to...
Parlak Lab received KIRI grant in collaboration with Brodin Lab!
A new PhD stundet, Sihui Xu, started her doctoral study. Welcome to the team, Sihui!
Parlak Lab received Swedish Research Council (VR) starting grant in Medicine and health.
Parlak Lab received research fund from Bo Rydin Foundation for skin research for 2 years!
Parlak Lab has signed strategic industrial partnership with global hygiene & health company, Essity AB.
Prof. Parlak has been selected as KIRI Fellow at Karolinska Institutet.
Onur Parlak awarded first EIC grant Karolinska Institutet researcher is part of projects awarded grants...
The Parlak Lab moves to Dermatology and Veneraology Unit at the Department of Medicine, Solna
The Faculty Board has on November 19, 2020, decided on the allocation of the funding...